Free Healing Technique
I have written this book with the intention that people of the world should get the benefit of this wonderful gift of God everyone has already got in their hands but do not know it. With little resources at my command, I have written this book. My intention is to serve the people of the whole world who have helped me a lot when I was there in their country for work. I could not resist the temptation of sharing this tested knowledge with all my brothers and sisters in the world. This technique is a simple and practical one, and can be learnt in a minute. The secret is to keep one’s hands on the affected parts until the problem is solved. I have explained all the common diseases faced by mankind including the sexual problems as a ready reckoner. This is a universal method, which can be followed by anyone from the age of 20 to 100 years. There is no nationality, religion, caste, creed, gender and language involved in this system. I teach this new technique after trying it on thousands of people throughout the world. At the age of 78 years, I am hale and healthy only because of cosmic energy therapy. This system only complements allopathy medicines patients take. Success will come if the cosmic therapy is integrated with their lifestyle. Do not underestimate it just because it seems simple. It is a scientific system. Do not do cosmic therapy for others out of anxiety. Ask them to do it by themselves by educating them. First of all, you have to increase your own energy level to a higher level, so that you have more immunity to diseases and develop resistance power. Practice is the secret. If any assistance is required, please send an email or phone me. I shall be happy to help you after scanning you over the phone. I shall send you my e-books on cosmic therapy free of cost to enrich your knowledge, which could give you more confidence and satisfaction. Do not get over enthusiastic and then advise people to stop the treatment they are undertaking.
1. For Heart centre with finger touch until pain goes. Inform me when there is pain.
2. Do healing for heart and stomach for emotional stress, sugar, anger, sleep, B.P.
3. Do healing for Urinary bladder/uterus and spinal cord end to relieve pain and sleep for more time without passing urine.
4. Chew food and eat. This will solve all stomach problem including bulging of stomach.
5. Do healing wherever there is pain.
6. Do palming for eyes to relieve pain, irritation.
7. Do healing for back neck for spondylitis and giddiness.
8. Do healing for your stomach for pain and digestion.
9. Do healing for your forehead and back head for mental tension.
10.When there is phlegm, keep your hand on throat. This will remove allergy in throat.
11.When there is pain in teeth, keep your finger on the face behind teeth.
Energy Neuro Programming (e-np) for Personality Development developed by P.BALASUBRAMANIAN
E-np: e: energy
n : neuro
p: programming
Giving - Affirmation- Visualisation- Recite their own prayers if they want
energy = Cosmic energy
neuro = Nervous system
e-np uses cosmic energy plus psychology. e-np works with just keeping the hand on the body. Everything in this world operates on a scientific basis. SYNOPSIS: Energy follows thought. The energy goes into action the moment the thought occurs. Thoughts are electro-magnetic and travel faster than light. e-np can be practised while doing work, watching TV, talking over phone, walking. e-np is not a Placebo Effect. Methodologies do not count in e-np. For all problems just keep the hand. e-np is a scientific system.e-np can also be used for world peace.
1.1 An insight to e-np: “Why people don’t change” even after reading many self- development books? Reasons are given below:- Methods, even though look simple, are difficult to practice at all times and at all places. Most of them are complicated and require separate place for practising. Most of the self-development books concentrate more on psychology. Everybody suggests in one-way or other the “Affirmation and Visualisation” technique only. Nobody charges by simply telling “Think positive, Think proactive”.
An external force is required to make change. Everybody has got within himself, the cosmic energy. The cosmic energy causes the transformation. It goes into each and every cell of the body and makes chemical charges, which awaken the individual. Hence my formula is: “Energy + Thought = Success”. • The advantage of this method is: You can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while travelling. No rituals and methodologies are involved. It is a scientific system. This gift is in everybody’s hands. For all problems just keep the hand. People of all religions can practise this e-np by reciting their own prayers. There is no need to change one’s value system.
1.2 e-np for Personality Development: Energy Neuro Programming is a Universal System, having no barrier of religion, language or nationality. It requires neither symbols nor rituals. A natural instinct is used while practising e-np. It is a Personality Development Programme based on Energy Neuro Science. Energy Neuro Programming is very effective in making changes in the energy centres of the body i.e. the endocrine glands.
1.2 e-np for Personality Development: Problems among family members can be improved with this method. We should not question their values and try to change them. e-np is a complete package for solving mental, emotional and physical problems. Goals, ambitions and targets can be achieved. It activates all energy centres and develops positive thinking.
1.3 Energy Causes Transformation: The successful authors of self-improvement books have elucidated the same concept on a psychological basis. “Everything in the world works on energy principle. Energy causes transformation.” But this becomes possible when energy is channelized into the body. It is transformed into magnetic rays and produces a blissful state of mind. There is a connection between mind and body. When one hears glad news, the thoughts produce healthy hormones in the brain that flow throughout the body and create a sense of happiness.
1.4 Hardware and Software: A heart-breaking event produces negative hormones that result in a feeling of morass and boredom. When you channelize the cosmic energy through the hand to the entire nervous system, which, in turn, activates the positive hormones to produce a sense of blissful state for the body be fine-tuned to equip the brain to accept the commands comfortably. If the hardware brain is not fine-tuned and remains in an idle state, no matter what sophisticated software is used, the brain will remain dormant.
2. Scientific explanation of e-np
2.1 Earth’s Heartbeat: The magnetic rays from the earth travel at 7.83 cycles per second. When our brain wave comes to 7.83 cycles/second, we are in accordance with the cycle of the earth and thus attract maximum energy during this union.
2.2 Everything is Magnetism: The magnetic rays surround the earth around 66,000 miles. Man, himself is a product of electro-magnetism as it is evident from his head and right hand directing towards the North Pole and the legs and the left hand pointing the south poles. The touch is the highly magnetised factor in a human body. The hands vibrate more magnetic energy than any other part. Wherever there is movement, there is energy there and consequently heat is generated. • Human body has three types of energy flow: (1) Blood flow (2) Air flow (3) The magnetic vibration of breath. Only when these three energy flows are ept in good shape healthy status is maintained in the body. To ensure good energy flow, the following things brings forth:- (1) Good food (2) Pure air (3) Constructive thoughts (4) Fruitful life.
2.3 Touch Sensation: The body at large is a combination of 106 elements, which are present in the hormones secreted by the brain. A mere touch activates these 106 elements. They secrete a chemical via the flesh, tissues, nervous system, glands and other organs to create a change. This positive change is the magic of touch sensation. A handshake or clapping of hands is an indication of the power of hands and emotional inducement it can produce on a person. This touch-sensation is a protective force found even on the tips of the fingers.
2.4 Three Characteristics of the flow of Cosmic Energy: (1) Heat (2) Vibrations (3) Pressure
2.5 The way of Cosmic Energy’s Operation : Touch is the crux of cosmic energy way of life. Touch-sensation, produces a low voltage and sends it to the neurons of the brain. The 100 million neurons found in the brain create a chemical change. A touch effect a chemical change in the brain.
2.6 The Vibrations of Body are faster than the Speed of Light: An affliction makes the energy flow disturbed and the placing of hand on the afflicted part ensures a smooth flow of energy to perfection. The hands, acts as a receiver and transmitter of these energy waves, which travel faster than the speed of light. The DNA cells of the plants vibrate at 42 GHz. DNA cells of animals vibrate at 47 GHz. DNA cells of the humans vibrate on a range between 52-78 GHz.
2.7 Salvation lies in Hand: • Each organ in the human body gets cured in varying frequencies. (1) Nerves – 2 HZ (2) Bones – 7 HZ (3) The tissue located on the knee – 10 HZ (4) Blood vessels – 15 HZ. The hand that cures emanate 0.0002 GAUZ of magnetic energy from it. The hands, emanate energy 1000 times more than any other human organ.
2.8 Man – A Battery: The laws of magnetism are applicable to human body. When the seven energy centres rotate clock-wise, they intake the cosmic energy from the universe. If they rotate anti-clockwise, the energy flows out of the body. This process is termed in electrical engineering as right hand corkscrew rule. The seven energy centres attract this cosmic energy. The centre of the head being (crown) the positive pole and the base, the negative pole.
Man – A Battery: There is a potential difference between crown and base of body. When potential difference is established between two poles of the human body, magnetic field is set up around spinal cord and the current flows. These electro-magnetic rays surrounding a human body are termed as aura. When the heart’s energy centre is not functioning properly, the electro-magnetic rays fail to get infused, resulting in malfunctioning of head.
2.9 Inner and Outer Ecologies: • Successful scientists could make it possible through the usage of cosmic energy.
2.10 Capacity of the Brain: It becomes imperative that humans strive for keeping the thought process down to the Alpha state of brain waves (8-12 cycles/sec) with the adoption of cosmic energy through affirmation and visualisation process. If you really believe something the sub-conscious mind merely accepts your belief.
2.11 Scientific Explanation: Man, a 4-pole magnet, with the crown (pineal gland) as its positive pole, the base (gonad glands) as its negative pole, the heart’s right side being a positive pole and its left side, the negative pole. The quantity energy emanated by the hand is 1 billionth of a watt and runs at a speed of 52-78 GHz (Billion cycles/ second). When ease is disturbed, disease comes. The infused cosmic energy goes the disturbed path of the flow of electrons, and puts these electrons back on their track.
2.12 How Energy makes changes?: The cosmic energy rearranges the electrons in the atoms of the diseased parts. The same energy can be generated by the usage of the Giga tens instrument. The Giga tens instrument produces energy of 52 to 78 GHz but the missing important factor is the love.
2.13 Yardstick for Health: The DHEA hormones secreted by the adrenal gland is the yardstick for ascertaining the energy in the body. The more the DHEA, the more the energy persists in the body. A 20-year youth has between 900-1200 DHEA. 130-180 in an 80-year-old man. The DHEA level in a man range between 750- 1250. In women the level is between 550-980 DHEA.
2.14 Nature – The Governing Principle: • All things happen only in harmony with the laws of nature. In short there is no future without nature.
2.15 Three Energies: • A human requires three types of energies: (1) Through food (via mouth) the energy is received (2) Oxygen through the nose (3) Life-energy instilled into him through the energy centres by the pure elements of the cosmos. Good energy can be received if the lifestyle is designed with good food, good breath, good thoughts and a clean lifestyle.
3. The Road Map to Success Via (e–np):
• In the 21st Century, the lifestyles of people are drastically changing. • It leads to stress and the anxiety levels of people are rising. •The Cosmic Energy makes for a faster transformation in the individual. • Hence the road map shown here will definitely change anybody for good and bring out the hidden potential to achieve the goals and ambitions in life.
3.1 How it works: If we pass Cosmic Energy with conscious intention, energy automatically flows into the individual. The Cosmic Energy replaces the negative energy, i.e., blocked-up emotions on the body. When the hand is kept on the body, the Cosmic Energy flows into the individual. You do not have to change your value system. You can tell your own prayers, if you like/have. Also you may make a self-affirmation that “I have become alright”.
3.3 What is the Advantage of this System?: This gift has been given to everybody without any bias. You can practise it when you are doing your normal work, while watching a television or while even walking on the road. It can be practised by anyone at any time. People do not have time to do prayers, meditation and exercises. We do not introduce any rituals, methodologies, mantras, and symbols in this system.
3.4 What happens when Cosmic Energy goes into an Individual? It rearranges the harmony of the electrons revolving around the nucleus of each and every diseased cell of the affected part. When the harmony of the electrons is affected, the man gets the disease. The person gets cured when the harmony of the electrons is restored. The mother patting the child is based on, this energy principle only. When you get a heart attack, your hand instantly goes to the heart. There is a natural instinct available within oneself for all the problems.
What happens when Cosmic Energy goes into an Individual? The natural abilities have been given to every individual in an unbiased way for solving their mental, emotional, spiritual physical problems. One does not use his own energy but he taps the energy from the cosmos only. When intention is there, energy automatically flows.
3.5 You do it on yourself or others: • We should first do on ourselves. • When the toxins, which are built up in the system, are removed, one becomes a better individual mentally, physically, emotionally.
3.6 I.Q./E.Q./S. Q: IQ is not the mantra of success today. To get hired, you need high IQ. Afterwards to get retained in any company or any organisation, you need a high emotional quotient (E.Q). Now-a-days people talk of SQ i.e., Spiritual Quotient. SQ must be greater than EQ. To achieve your goals and ambitions in life, you should develop high SQ by practising e-np daily.
3.7.SUMMARY: The people of the whole world with a population of 880 crores should get the benefit of this wonderful gift of God everyone (both men and women) has already got in their hands but many do not know it. This material has to be translated to all languages. This will be big service to humanity of 880 crores since everyone has one problem or other. The COVID has divided the people. This universal method will unite the people of the whole world with love, peace and brotherhood.