1. Lumbar Patient: I do online healing of patients over the phone. This patient had lumbar vertebral disc prolapse and partial spinal cord compression cord with paralysis of one leg, with loss of sensation and loss of bladder and bowel function. She was healed by his Cosmic energy healing technique in few minutes (which was mind blowing), when when they called me over the phone from London to India telling the patient's problem and the patient is one of my relatives, who did not have the faith in her doctors or medical system. The patient’s condition otherwise was warranting a surgical decompression and long recovery time following surgery. The cosmic healing only took few minutes and it was a miraculous experience.
2. Fever for Child: I healed one child of 3 years old who had fever for 6 months in London. They tried all methods and medicines, but nothing had worked. One day her mother called me and told about this continuous fever. I requested her mother to keep the hand on the body of the child. She kept her hand for 4 hours continuously in night and temperature became normal. Everybody was surprised.
3.Teeth pain: Dr Mrs. Uma told me that she has teeth pain. I told her to keep one finger on the face where there is pain. The pain went off within 10 minutes.
4.Back pain: One of my friends in London who is a teacher -Anissa told me her longstanding pain at the back of spinal cord went off after he consulted me and from that day onwards, she recommended me to many people in London.
5.Diabetic ulcer: I healed one Sikh man (Sardarji) in Kualalumpur for his diabetic ulcer in one of his thighs. The patient saw many Doctors but there was no use. I was able to heal 50% of his wound in 10 minutes in front of a Press reporter.
6.NECK PAIN: One lady of 65 years came with pain in the neck which was not going even after trying Physiotherapy with many people.I could heal by method of touch therapy. She is now practising it regularly.

Popular Cases done by Dr.Balasubramanian - It is a scientific system

The advantages of this method are: (1) Energy Neuro Programming (e-np) for Personality Development

(2) Books written by Balasubramanian

7.Pain in heart centre: One divorced women talked over phone to me for her emotional issues. I told her over phone you have pain in the heart centre. That is the cause of all her issues. She was advised to keep one finger at that point until the pain goes. The pain went off and to her surprise her face became bright.

8. Giddiness: One young girl of 22 years had giddiness. I advised to keep her hand on the back neck. All exercises were not of much use to her. The giddiness went off in 5 minutes.

9. Lumps on liver: One of my best students told he has lumps in liver. He was advised to keep his hands on the liver and lumps disappeared after 4 days. He recommended the method to his colleague in America who also told the lump disappeared.

10. Loss of breath: One person from Tambaram complained to me that his breathing has come down and is feeling he would die within 2 days. He tried all medicines for 6 years. I told him to keep both the hands on both the lungs and call him after 45 minutes. He phoned up and said he is better now.

11. Stomach pain: One lady of 76 years old complained ever after her healing, the stomach is paining. I did healing for 10 minutes on line and pain went off. She was advised to continue touch healing if it comes again.

12.Heaviness in head: One lady after praying in a famous temple in North India was floating on air. When she boarded the flight to home town, the head was very heavy. She tried all medicines for 15 days. Finally, she contacted me. I the heaviness in the head within a minute. She does not know how it came. The prayers increased her energy level. I brought it down to end of spinal cord.


  • Tuberculosis: Four persons came to me for treatment, but except for a lady, the rest did not believe in this therapy. After a week I left for Tuticorin (a small port city in South India) to attend a free cosmic energy therapy camp. Meanwhile, these people had contacted me at my Chennai circle many times. And when I returned to Chennai, one of them called and complained of a sudden deterioration in his health condition. As he was talking to me over the phone, I raised his hand and told him that he suffered excessive pain just below his liver. The man was wonderstruck as he had himself just received his medical report confirming tuberculosis just below his liver after nearly spending 45 days in the hospital. I assured him of a speedy recovery and the pain disappeared in a week’s time. But he insisted that he takes 9 months' medicine to clinically declare himself fit which I left to his choice. I told him that he did the scan only to infuse confidence and only believers can benefit.

  • An old lady student: She came to me after 6-months of initiation and said: “I think the best wealth in addition to the jewels and cash, we parents should give our daughters at the time of her marriage this knowledge of cosmic energy therapy.” How true!

  • Miracle Delivery: It happened in California the mother was admitted in Hospital for delivery. The Doctors there gave pain killer since she had severe pain. It worsened the situation. Then they contacted me over phone. I sent energy for quick delivery. All in the family were worried the delivery will take minimum 4 days. The miracle happened within half an hour the baby came out. God is great!

  • Beaten in show room: A young sales girl was beaten in the computer mall for not doing duty. She cried loudly and I asked her where is the pain. Immediately, I raised the hand without touching her. Within a minute the pain disappeared and she laughed. There are hundreds of cases like the above and if you ask ME and he would narrate everything. I am the only trainer in Malaysia who did healing in front of others, be it a temple or public places. The people come to me for classes after seeing the healing. I charged only half the rate to take care of expenses. With the greater practice of these techniques, anyone can rapidly improve their condition along with their routine medication. I said this technique will be the greatest tool for our health which will heal our body, mind and spirit as well as personal problems.

  • It is a scientific system
    Man, a 4-pole magnet, with the crown (pineal gland) as its positive pole, the SPINAL CORD as its negative pole, the heart’s right side being a positive pole and its left side, the negative pole, has become the centre of observation of the Russian scientists. These scientists have done extensive research and found out that the quantity of energy emanated by the hand is 1 billionth of a watt and runs at a speed of 52-78 GHz (Billion cycles/second) to cure the blockades of the afflicted parts. For instance, an afflicted part means the presence of blockades, that is to say, when ease is disturbed, disease comes. The infused cosmic energy goes to the source, that is, the disturbed path of the flow of electrons, and cures it to perfection. It creates equilibrium and puts these electrons back on their track. This is a scientifically proven technique.


  1. Knee joint pain: One old man fell down and he complained severe pain on the knee joint. I told him to keep the hand on the knee caps until the pain goes. He told pain went off in 10 minutes.

  2. Pain in palm and leg: One lady Music teacher of 67 years old phoned and told me she has continuous pain in the right palm and leg. I passed the energy on the foot and she slept immediately and told afterwards the pain is gone.

  3. Stroke patient: One Chinese woman of 55 years old could not raise her hand. I just asked her to lift the hand. She took a diary on the table and lifted the hand. It was surprising to her and other visitors who have come for healing.

  4. Pain in whole Body: One Sri Lankan woman in London had severe pain and could not sleep even after taking sleeping tablets. Her friends talked about this. I told she would be alright. I was informed She walked without any fuss and went immediately for her daughter’s betrothal. That is the work of God.

  5. Woman’s Brave Suicidal Attempt : I initiated a lady in Chennai. When I asked her where her problem was, she pointed to her spinal cord. But I knew she had no problem there and her real problem was with her heart, the reason is never-ending domestic fights. When I revealed this, the lady broke down. She confessed that she had even attempted suicides a few days back, unable to bear the torture inflicted upon her. When she asked me how he knew about this, I told her that the aura surrounding her was not normal. I told her to keep her hands on heart and stomach.

  6. Block in the Blood Vessel of the Throat: Sometime back an eminent personality’s wife came to me complaining of throat problem. Though she did not reveal exactly where the pain was, she lamented that the doctors have revealed that her state was critical. I scanned her and found a disturbed vibration in a particular spot and taught her a therapy to cure it. The lady returned the next day. When I asked her how she felt,she replied in the affirmative. But when I advised her to confirm by taking a scan, she refused saying: “I need to shell out Rs.10,000 for that. When I can see, it cured before my eyes, where is the necessity to get it scanned?” This is the beauty of cosmic energy. It is with a good intention to publicize this therapy and its greatness, this desire to write about cosmic energy was born. This is science, a divine science and, learning it in this era, we can dispel illness and remain healthy.

  7. A Pure Self
    This is a true incident that took place in Kuala Lumpur. An Australian student sought my help for stomach pain in Sydney. Though she had absolute faith in my curing capabilities and persuaded that I perform a distant therapy, curing her sister’s husband suffering. It was my principle not to venture into treatment without the concerned person’s willingness. While I was walking down the KL’s Brickfield Street, her sister called me from Sydney. Very politely and with utmost respect, she sought his help in curing her husband. I promised her I would pray for his cure but advised her to consult and cure the stomach pain and the pain in her right shoulder troubling her for so long. The lady was simply awestruck to hear this. The next day a student came to me handing over Rs.1500 given by her sister. She also asked some questions on her future to which I replied intuitively. Though that student’s age is 60, she has the appearance of a 32-year-old woman. Even though she has mastered the art of cosmic energy from many persons, she learnt it from me too. I am blessed with good souls like that.

Formula is: Energy + Thought = Success.
Keep your hands-on affected parts with intention.
You will achieve success.

The advantages of this method are:
1. One can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while travelling.
2. No rituals and methodologies are involved
3. It is a scientific system
4. This gift is in everybody's hands. For all problems, just keep the hands on the body.
5.It had transformed many others and me. Hence, I give here the benefit of this experience to all the citizens of this world.

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